One of the great joys of growing a business is that I get a front row seat to watch young people reach for the stars and find their way in the professional world. Make no mistake, there are plenty of times when the gut-wrenching truth is that not everyone is cut out for this line of work. But today is a celebration. Today is the last day of Jenny’s “not-yet-a-lawyer” years. Tomorrow is graduation day. And this remarkable young lady will grab the prize … the degree she’s worked so hard to earn … the golden ticket to her future.
I remember a day not that long ago, when she sat across the desk from me and told me that she “might want to go to law school.” That was the moment when her fate was set. She’d shared that BIG goal with me, and now it was going to happen. We talked about the logistics, of course – the “how” behind achieving this big dream, but more importantly, we talked about the “why” – what is the motivation that will drive you through the days when you just want to throw your hands in the air and quit. Our mantra became “keep your eyes on the prize”. That, along with the accountability and support of her “village” helped launch this lifetime achievement.
So as I look back at the last few years, and consider the commitment, endurance and drive that I have witnessed, I am in awe, but not really surprised. I knew she could do it - because I believe that anyone can achieve any goal, if they are willing to make the temporary sacrifices necessary for the long-term growth.
Always remember: Reach for the stars … you may not touch them, but at least you won’t end up with a handful of dirt!
Congratulations, Jenny – You did this thing! Enjoy the moment, and then choose the next star.
Susan Hunter